
Astrology Planets And Their Meanings

The nine planets form the basis of Vedic Astrology. Without this, we can’t make computations and predictions in astrology. Astrologers analyse these planets to predict the future of the local and occasions including good and negative ones. A sum of nine planets are perceived in Vedic astrology. You could see them as just planets which are part of the Solar System, however these planets play an important role in figuring out what future holds for people.

Want To Know In Detail About 9 Planets & Their Effects !

Planets In Vedic Astrology

In Vedic astrology, planets are very important and cannot be side-lined. From time to time, these planets transit and sit in different Zodiac Signs. Based on the position of planets in different Zodiac Signs, the prediction of the person’s past, present and future can be done. In astrology, planets have a significant role in governing human life. There are nine planets mentioned in astrology while Vedic astrology emphasizes only on the seven major planets. The other two planets are shadow planets – Ketu and Rahu, which are considered very important. Astrology planets have their own importance which influences human life.

Astrology is a science which is based on the analysis of the planetary transits in the solar system. Although scientifically, Sun and Moon are not considered as planets, but in vedic astrology Sun and Moon are considered as planets. Thus in Vedic astrology, there are total nine planets; Among these 9 planets – Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter & Saturn are the base planets while Rahu and Ketu are considered as shadow planets. By the way, our body is made up of Panchmahabhuta, and each planet plays an equally important role in our life. It is a complete cycle. So let’s discuss about the nine planets in Vedic Astrology.

Nine Planets In Vedic Astrology

Everybody is anxious to be aware of the order of the planets in Vedic astrology, but, space science can’t address these inquiries. While Vedic astrology is the science which has previously given us detailed data about the planets and their movements and is as yet giving them today. Today in Vedic astrology, it is giving detailed data of the planets and their tendency and impact.

Major Or Base Planets :
In Vedic astrology, the Sun is viewed as the lord of the planets. Other than the Sun, the significant planets that revolve around the Sun are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Furthermore, one more planet in Vedic astrology is the Moon. Which likewise significantly affects our life. Despite the fact that we as a whole realize that the Moon is a satellite of the Earth, which mysteriously influences life on Earth since it is extremely near us. A planet in the universe influences the personalities of living creatures.

Shadow Planets :
In Vedic astrology, two planets are considered as shadow planets, which are known as Rahu and Ketu. Rahu is known as the “North Node” of the Moon, while Ketu is portrayed as the “South Node” of the Moon. It is viewed as the face and body of the Asura.


Sanskrit Name


सूर्य (Surya)


मंगल, कुज (Mangal, Kuja)


बुध (Budha)


गुरू, बृहस्पति (Guru, Brihaspati)


शुक्र (Shukra)


शनि (Shani)


चंद्र, सोम (Chandra, Som)

North Node

राहु (Rahu)

South Node

केतु (Ketu)

Sun In Vedic Astrology

The Sun is known as ruler or king of the planets in the solar system, and it represents ego, sense of self, basic personality, and general preferences. It is the centre of the Universe, and in astrology, it represents the centre of ourselves. However, the Sun is the driving force behind who or what we are at our core.

In astrology, the Sun rules the Leo zodiac sign, the fiery and dynamic regal sign. It also represents bravery. In Western astrology, the Sun plays a crucial role as all the basic interpretations are based on it only. It brightens the world and gives colour to it.

The important thing about Sun is that it is one of the fastest moving planets and takes approximately one month to transit over the Zodiac Sign. Read More…

Moon In Vedic Astrology

Moon is known as the queen of the planetary system, and it represents our inner emotions and the parts within us that we cannot express. The Moon is a sensitive, empathetic, nurturing mother figure of the solar system. It represents the spiritual retreat of our most private selves.

The Moon rules the Cancer sign, the sensitive, protective water sign that defines nurture, comfort and security. In Indian astrology, Moon plays a significant role as Vedic astrology is totally based on Moon only.

It is the fastest moving planet which takes two and half days to transit through the zodiac sign. This is why your Moon sign gives more detailed information about your personality and potential, like the Sun Sign. Read More…

Mercury In Vedic Astrology

Mercury is the smallest and innermost planet of the solar system. The messenger of God, Mercury, was a deity in Roman astrology. In astrology, Mercury represents our communication, intellectual power, travelling, speech and not to forget, it indicates our creative talent too. Also, Mercury shows logics and rationality.

Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, and both these signs represent different ways of expression. Gemini is an airy extrovert sign, and Virgo is an earthy introvert sign. Mercury takes around 13 to 14 days to transit in 12 zodiac signs, and it always remains close to the Sun. It retrogrades 3 to 4 times per year. Read More…

Venus In Vedic Astrology

Venus represents love, romance, and relationships. The planet of love and beauty, Venus is named after the enchanting goddess. It is the planet of all flowery things and sensuality. Apart from love and romance, Venus represents luxury life. However, Venus placement reveals our idealized perception of love. It is also known to govern the marriage sector. In addition to that, it also takes care of happiness in a person’s life and represents prosperity.

Venus rules Taurus and Libra, and each sign represents a different way of love expression. The Earth sign Taurus is a physician. In contrast, the Airy sign Libra is cerebral.

In astrology, Venus takes around 4 to 5 weeks to transit a zodiac sign and retrograde after every 18 months. Read More…

Mars In Vedic Astrology

Mars represents action, determination, and aggression. It reflects our physical action and love. Mars is also known as the Red Planet, which shows our intensity and passion. However, Mars placement shows how we chase our goals and relates to our libidos and sexual energies. It is also considered a natural malefic planet.

Mars rules Aries and Scorpio sign which are strong signs of anger and aggressiveness. In astrology, Mars take approximately 6 to 7 weeks to transit from one zodiac sign to another. Mars retrograde too! Well, after every two years, Mars retrograde, bringing many changes in our life. Read More…

Jupiter In Vedic Astrology

Jupiter is the giant planet in the solar system. The planet of luck and fortune, Jupiter, represents positivity, bringing growth, opportunity, and good vibes. It also represents spirituality and philosophy. Jupiter is referred to as a great benefic planet as it is the karaka of good education, career, marriage, and childbirth.

It’s blessings are indeed essential to achieve anything in this fast-moving world. Jupiter rules the Sagittarius sign known for its thrill-seeking disposition. In astrology, it takes around 12 to 13 months to transit. And the shifts of Jupiter is a worth-watching celestial event. The most auspicious planet retrograde every year, after year around 120 days. Read More…

Saturn In Vedic Astrology

Saturn represents boundaries, limitations, restrictions, and hardships. Sometimes, Saturn can be harsh and unemotional, which gives us learning through tough love and complex challenges. However, Saturn always wants to be mature and be the best version of yourself which only can become by doing hardships.

In astrology, Saturn rules the earthly Capricorn and airy Aquarius. It takes around two and half years to shift from one zodiac sign to another. However, it goes retrograde each year for around 140 days. Read More…

Rahu In Vedic Astrology

Rahu is the natural malefic planet in Vedic astrology. By the way, it is not a planet. In fact, it is an illusion or chaya graha. It represents those things that are taboo or unconventional for all of us. As per ancient Vedic astrology, Rahu gets exalted in Taurus. Rahu doesn’t rule any sign. But it rules the nakshatra called Ardra, Swati, and Shatavisha.

On the positive side, Rahu can bring unexpected sources of gain during its Dasha and allow you to settle abroad. While if we see the negative side, it creates stress, fear, anxiety, and depression in life. In astrology, Rahu represents tobacco, drugs, media, and films. Read More…

Ketu In Vedic Astrology

Ketu represents isolation and detachment. It is also a natural malefic planet. In Vedic astrology, Ketu gets exalted in Scorpio. Ketu represents past life and karma. It is the planet of spiritual enlightenment, which gives moksha.

The Dasha period of Ketu brings many changes in life. During this time, the native becomes very spiritual. Ketu also represents hidden and occult knowledge. With strong Ketu, the native can travel and settle in a foreign land. Read More…

Which Planet Is Powerful In Astrology ?

In Vedic Astrology, every planet has its own importance. But Sun is the most powerful planet in astrology. However, the Sun’s placement determines whether the native will go through all phases of life or not.

If Sun is not auspicious, then the native can face many unwanted situations, especially during a bad Dasha period. Also, it affects the longevity of the native. That’s why checking the Sun’s placement is indeed important for overall success and longevity. Therefore, Sun is the most powerful planet in astrology. If you want to know the Sun’s placement in your birth chart, unveil from your Free Personalised Kundli.

Finally, the seven planets in the solar system, including the Sun and Moon, and two Shadow Planets (Chhaya Grahas), Rahu and Ketu, form astrology planets. Astrology planets and their meaning are important to interpret as they control all the areas of our life. To stay connected with all the planetary events happening in the cosmic world, consult our expert Astrologers at Astrogini.

Planets In Astrology










  • Transits 2024
  • Sun Transit
  • Moon Transit
  • Mercury Transit
  • Venus Transit
  • Mars Transit
  • Jupiter Transit
  • Saturn Transit
  • Rahu Transit
  • Ketu Transit
  • Retrograde 2024
  • Mercury Retrograde
  • Venus Retrograde
  • Mars Retrograde
  • Jupiter Retrograde
  • Saturn Retrograde
  • Rahu Retrograde
  • Ketu Retrograde
  • Wealth
  • Finance
  • Marriage
  • Education
  • Health
  • Career
  • Love

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