
Know The Correct Ascendant In Your Horoscope

Very Few Knows What Are Ascendant’s And How They Impact Your Horoscope

Astrologically talking, there are many more things besides your Sun Sign and Moon Sign. Were you aware of something called as the ‘Ascendant Sign’ in the Horoscope? In Vedic astrology, the Ascendant (or Rising Sign) is known as Lagna, which is viewed as the main house in the birth chart. It significantly impacts your life and connections.

For sure, astrology is an immense subject with different perspectives that can decide one’s life. Your Ascendant sign shows how you project yourself to the world and how others consider you, and also the kind of experiences required to make your life significant. We should figure out more about the significance of Ascendant and what it implies in astrology.

Do You Know What Are Ascendant's & Their Effects ?

What Are Ascendant's In Horoscope ?

The importance of ‘Ascendant’ isn’t that difficult to unravel. An Ascendant is an indication that was ascending in the East at the hour of the local’s birth. In this manner it is additionally called the Rising Sign. Being the main house, Ascendant is additionally alluded to as the principal place of the horoscope, which records the basics of one’s life. Subsequently the Ascendant sign and the Planet put in the chart, impact the principal response of the local to the new climate where the person in question has taken their most memorable breath.

Ascendant or the Rising Sign of the zodiac is basically when it was coming up over the eastern horizon at the time of birth. The Ascendant signs generally change every two hours. Ascendant can likewise be considered the basis of Astrology, as it is connected with all houses of the birth chart. Investigating the Ascendant hurls a more profound and more exact perspective on the individual’s soul and perspective. It likewise offers bits of knowledge into the kinds of diseases one might insight throughout everyday life.

Ascendant addresses the initial feelings of your disposition, appearance and attitude. Your Rising Sign likewise reveals insight into the initial feelings you make and your underlying reactions and responses to different circumstances. Few astrologers recommend that examining both your sun sign and your Ascendant gives a more clear image of what the future holds for you later on.

At any point do you get the inclination that your character qualities emphatically reply to an alternate Zodiac Sign out and out (than the one you have consistently known to be yours)? Some of the time, a great deal changes when the extra Ascendant data becomes an integral factor. The exact location of the planets at the time of your birth has a significant effect.

For example, an individual with an Aries Ascendant with its ruling planet Mars in Scorpio will respond to the environment a little differently than another person, who likewise has an Aries Ascendant but Mars in Leo. Essentially, an individual with a Libra Ascendant who likewise has a Saturn conjunct in his chart will act a lot differently in contrast to somebody with a Libra Ascendant with no Saturn aspect. These factors fundamentally affect the Ascendant.

Calculate Your Ascendant Sign

Obviously, you’re asking yourself, “What’s my Ascendant sign ?” Note that your exact time of birth is pivotal in deciding your Ascendant. Your birthplace and birth date both are equally significant while computing your ascendant sign or Ascendant chart.

Just like the 12 Sun Signs, there are 12 Ascendant or Rising Signs :

You can consult our expert astrologers at Astrogini to know all about your Ascendant chart and the meaning of the Ascendant sign.

Meaning & Personality Traits Of Your Ascendant

The importance of ‘Ascendant’ isn’t that difficult to unravel. An Ascendant is an indication that was ascending in the East at the hour of the local’s birth. In this manner it is additionally called the Rising Sign. Being the main house, Ascendant is additionally alluded to as the principal place of the horoscope, which records the basics of one’s life. Subsequently the Ascendant sign and the Planet put in the chart, impact the principal response of the local to the new climate where the person in question has taken their most memorable breath.

Ascendant or the Rising Sign of the zodiac is basically when it was coming up over the eastern horizon at the time of birth. The Ascendant signs generally change every two hours. Ascendant can likewise be considered the basis of astrology, as it is connected with all houses of the birth chart. Investigating the Ascendant hurls a more profound and more exact perspective on the individual’s soul and perspective. It likewise offers bits of knowledge into the kinds of diseases one might insight throughout everyday life.

Ascendant addresses the initial feelings of your disposition, appearance and attitude. Your Rising Sign likewise reveals insight into the initial feelings you make and your underlying reactions and responses to different circumstances. Few astrologers recommend that examining both your sun sign and your Ascendant gives a more clear image of what the future holds for you later on.

At any point do you get the inclination that your character qualities emphatically reply to an alternate zodiac sign out and out (than the one you have consistently known to be yours)? Some of the time, a great deal changes when the extra Ascendant data becomes an integral factor. The exact location of the planets at the time of your birth has a significant effect.

For example, an individual with an Aries Ascendant with its ruling planet Mars in Scorpio will respond to the environment a little differently than another person, who likewise has an Aries Ascendant but Mars in Leo. Essentially, an individual with a Libra Ascendant who likewise has a Saturn conjunct in his chart will act a lot differently in contrast to somebody with a Libra Ascendant with no Saturn aspect. These factors fundamentally affect the Ascendant.

Astrogini Blog - As Per Zodiac Know Your Lucky Month In 2024

Ascendant Astrology - What Is A Rising Sign ?

According to Vedic astrology, your ascendant or rising sign reveals your personality and hidden potentials. As you know, there are twelve houses in astrology; the first house is called Ascendant (Lagna). But, the sign present in the first house is not always Aries. How to find out which sign is present in your first house and why that sign is present here?

It goes without saying that the Sun transits in a sign for 30 days, whereas the Moon spends 2.5 days in a sign. The elusive rising sign is the sign on the eastern horizon at the time you are born. This is why birth time is indeed essential in knowing your ascendant sign. So, don’t rely on your parents’ memories and approximate timings.

How To Find Your Rising Sign or Ascendant?

Your ascendant, is often considered the mask or the front door. Why? It is because it can shed light on the first impressions you make on others, and you know the first impression is lasting. Also, your outlook of the world and initial reactions and responses to various situations are too dependent on your ascendant sign. But, how to know about your ascendant sign? Our expert astrologers at Astrogini can help you out.

Well, your Janampatri will tell you about not only your ascendant but also the influence of other planetary positions at the time of your birth. All in all, it will provide snippets of a free personal portrait along with different astrological charts.

Characteristics And Potentials Of All Rising Signs

The ascendant sign in your horoscope will tell a lot about your Self. Let’s read out the personality traits and potential of all ascendant zodiacs.

Aries Ascendant

Ascendant Lord : Mars
Lucky Gemstone : Red Coral
Lucky Number : 3, 6, and 9
Best Day : Tuesday, Sunday, and Monday
Favourable Colour : Red, Crimson, Copper, Golden and yellow
Ideal Match : Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius

If your ascendant sign is Aries, Congratulations, you are brave and independent. You will plan trips, dine out, and long drive with your close ones all the time. Mars – your ascendant ruler makes you a fierce warrior and brings a strong and commanding presence in your life. Life is a race for you, and you always want to come first. After all, you are the first sign of the zodiac.

The word SLOW is not present in your dictionary. Whether it is to get ready, walk, or daily routine – it has to be QUICK. The list doesn’t end here; even anger comes quick. But don’t worry as it will disappear quickly. And when it comes to making decisions, they are spontaneous. Of course, it has to be right as you are blessed with strong instincts. Want to get detailed information about your personality, hidden potentials and prospects, Know Here!

Taurus Ascendant

Ascendant Lord : Venus
Lucky Gemstone : Diamond
Lucky Number : 1, 3, 7, and 9
Best Day : Saturday, Wednesday, and Sunday
Favourable Colour : Brown, Russet, Turquoise, and Yellow
Ideal Match : Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn

Slow and steady wins the race. It is the mantra of the Taurus ascendant. You are capable and have a practical approach to life. Although you are attached to the most delicate things in the world, you will surely miss the other side. Beautiful clothes, rich, delicious food, spa, surround yourself with gorgeous finery! It’s Venus power!

No one can match your stamina as you are not likely to leave anything once undertaken despite tons of challenges. However, frequent changes are not the cup of tea for Taurus. You love your routine and are cautious when confronted with new situations. It is due to security purposes too, as it is one of your foremost considerations. Want to get detailed insights into your personality, unknown potentials, and strengths, Know Here!

Gemini Ascendant

Ascendant Lord : Mercury
Lucky Gemstone : Emerald
Lucky Number : 1, 2, 7 and 9.
Best Day : Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
Favourable Colour : White, Pink, and Red
Ideal Match : Sagittarius, Libra, and Aquarius

Do you know when you sit still or focus on only one thing until it is accomplished? We bet the answer is NO. However, indeed, you may shift to some other thoughts when thinking about this. It’s not at all surprising if you are doing 10 things at a time. For you, the world is a place to learn, so your brain moves a mile in a minute. Always eager to take up as much information or knowledge as you can.

Hence, you exude an air of impatience and are often quick in doing all the things. And why not? You can visualise better prospects on the other side and wanna go there asap. But unfortunately, you can’t be everywhere, so many things remain left out halfway.

Being Twins, at times you come off as two different people, but that will not lead you on the wrong foot. Want to get detailed insights into your personality traits, hidden capabilities, and prospects, Know Here!

Cancer Ascendant

Ascendant Lord : Moon
Lucky Gemstone : Pearl
Lucky Number : 5, 6, and 8.
Best Day : Tuesday, Monday, and Thursday
Favourable Colour : Milky White, Red, and Yellow
Ideal Match : Gemini, Leo, and Virgo

You are the homebody or can rightly be called the mother of the zodiac. Yeah, the warmth, nurturing and sensitive side makes you the motherly figure for your friends and close ones. Even you invite them to your home often for a home-cooked meal or your unique cuisine. Gentle creatures – you are the guy or gal next door.

However, you like your routine and can immediately withdraw or act shy in an unfamiliar situation. After all, you’ve invested time in your routine and given all yours to make it exactly the way you want it. Your primary need is to feel secure. Also, you appear to be quite approachable, and so people come to you with problems. Want to check out more personality traits, hidden potentials, and opportunities, Know Here!

Leo Ascendant

Ascendant Lord : Sun
Lucky Gemstone : Ruby
Lucky Number : 1, 5, and 9
Best Day : Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday
Favourable Colour : Golden, Orange, Yellow, Cream, and Red
Ideal Match : Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra, and Aries

From miles away, anyone can spot you easily. You are the showstopper when it comes to physical appearance and fashion statement. Also, your friendly nature, outgoing personality, and flair for the dramatic make it impossible for others to turn blind. Confident, vibrant, and fun Lions are usually the host of all parties.

You radiate unforgettable energy and magnetism to grab others attention. Even on social media platforms, your creative post, as well as unique outfits and makeup in photos, make you stand out. You want to be centre-staged even in the private times. However, the desire to be in the limelight and oversee the goings-on in your close groups may seem bossy to others.

However, your natural enthusiasm, optimism, and sunny spirit inspire others. You live in the moment and always be live on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and more. Want more detailed information about your hidden potentials, strengths, and prospects, Know Here!

Virgo Ascendant

Ascendant Lord : Mercury
Lucky Gemstone : Emerald
Lucky Number : 2, 4, 5, and 8
Best Day : Wednesday and Friday
Favourable Colour : Blue, Green, Light Yellow, and White
Ideal Match : Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn

A well-organized person is a synonym to Virgo. And the best quality is you know how to deal with people. Also, you are a natural caregiver, which is why your friends approach you in their trying times. Overthinking is your game as you tend to analyze information and situations all the time.

You are sensitive to any discomfort and are also all about good health and wellness. Unmatchable, we would say, the way you notice the finest details are not a cup of tea for others. Your charm and helping nature makes you the best person. However, it would be best if you try to skip your tendency of worrying too much. Want to unlock your unknown traits, hidden abilities, and prospects, Know Here!

Libra Ascendant

Ascendant Lord : Venus
Lucky Gemstone : White Sapphire, Diamond
Lucky Number : 5, 6 and 9
Best Day : Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
Favourable Colour : White, Sky Blue and Jade Green
Ideal Match : Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn

Fair judgement is indeed essential for you, so even the simplest decision can take longer. So often, you are considered indecisive as you analyse too much in deciding which attire to wear. However, being indecisive can be true, too, as you don’t want to make anyone unhappy. It may not be wrong to say that your intentions were good.

Pleasant, sweet, and charming personalities, people who are in contact with you would certainly agree with this. But when others look at you a little closer, they will understand what’s going on below the surface. Venus, your governor, offers you an easygoing image and attractive personality.

Librans always want the best possible outcome, and this is why you are the diplomat of the zodiac. However, it is not always possible. But definitely, you are excellent mediators. Want to get detailed information about your personality, hidden potentials, and prospects, Know Here!

Scorpio Ascendant

Ascendant Lord : Mars
Lucky Gemstone : Red Coral
Lucky Number : 3, 4, and 9
Best Day : Tuesday and Thursday
Favourable Colour : Yellow, Red, and Orange
Ideal Match : Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces, and Virgo

Mysterious, quiet, and alluring personalities, Scorpions have a lot of presence. Turn up your intensity and what you see? Your power is felt by everyone in the room. There is something special about you that tells the rest that it’s not easy to push you around. Mars commands respect, and whether you are quiet or loud, you will always seem powerful and determined.

You are dedicated and passionate, but at the same time, you are intense. Of course, you have your own reasons. When dealing with others, you find the right intention or answer between the lines too. But extremely secretive, you put up your guard and never share what’s in your mind.

There’s nothing wrong with this as you are enjoying your privacy at the end of the day. Want to get detailed insights into your personality, unknown potentials, and strengths, Know Here!

Sagittarius Ascendant

Ascendant Lord : Jupiter
Lucky Gemstone : Yellow Sapphire
Lucky Number : 3, 5, 6, and 8
Best Day : Thursday and Sunday
Favourable Colour : Light Blue, White, Cream, and Orange
Ideal Match : Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius

It’s a party, and Sagittarius is missing. Not possible! Always down for a party, Sagittarius are full of fun, adventure, and positive vibes. You are likely to be prone to word vomiting and blabbering. But, this happens unknowingly as you are trying to be honest. However, all may not take it sportingly and may feel bad too. Sometimes it backfires also when your friend is Aries or Scorpio.

You are often restless as for the entire lives you will be looking just out of grasp. The love for telling things and sharing your opinions with others makes you an outgoing peep. Your bags are always packed due to the desire to travel the world. With travelling, knowledge enhancement and new learning happen too.

Want to get detailed insights into your personality traits, hidden capabilities, and prospects, Know Here!

Capricorn Ascendant

Ascendant Lord : Saturn
Lucky Gemstone : Blue Sapphire
Lucky Number : 6, 9, and 8
Best Day : Saturday
Favourable Colour : Blue, White, Black, and Red
Ideal Match : Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces

Too serious, people! Capricorn is often mistaken for this. There is a humorous side also. Mature, organised, and driven personalities are always busy making money moves. You strive for greatness and project competence. Generally very image-conscious and always want to be on the top. Also, you are involved in things that you have dreamed of.

Despite high dreams, you are grounded too. Rarely showy, that helps you not to forget your roots and traditions. You work within set rules and structure instead of impossible expectations. Of course, the way you turn your lives around from rags to riches is quite impressive. Want out more personality traits, hidden potentials, and opportunities, Know Here!

Aquarius Ascendant

Ascendant Lord : Saturn
Lucky Gemstone : Blue Sapphire
Lucky Number : 2, 3, and 9
Best Day : Thursday and Friday
Favourable Colour : Yellow, Blue, and Red
Ideal Match : Libra and Virgo

You are unlike others. We understood that you don’t want to fit in other shoes too. Unique personalities who do not do things only because they are trending. Moreover, the facts are your best friends and will not allow others to forget them.

Curious and quite learned natives are always ready for research. The water bearer will go down to find the facets and will not believe the words of others. You have seen everything deep down, so it’s hard to shock you. However, you get along well with others, and hence, you are friendly and likeable. Want to unlock your unknown traits, hidden abilities, and prospects, Know Here!

Pisces Ascendant

Ascendant Lord : Jupiter
Lucky Gemstone : Yellow Sapphire
Lucky Number : 1, 2, and 3
Best Day : Thursday
Favourable Colour : Yellow, light purple, Peach, and White
Ideal Match : Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn

You are in the dream world. Daydreamers have a strong sixth sense too. Also, at times, you have a deep connection with fantasy and the other world. However, you are directionless too. But, it’s not wrong to go with the flow. Dual signs like Gemini, so it’s hard to know which fish are you today – the one who is shy and reserved or another who is talkative and passionate.

Your tender heart and soft words are impressive. You see the world in your style, so your objectives and decisions are not necessarily a strong point. Cold, hard facts and unpleasant realities are distant from you. Your irresistible charm is not a blind bit of notice. Want to unveil all your hidden potentials, capabilities, and strength, Know Here!

Alongside your rising sign, understand what different planets need to say to get a superior image of the thing that’s inevitably coming for you. Your overwhelming appeal is definitely not a visually impaired piece of notice.

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