Nakshatras 2024

Know About The 28 Nakshatras And Their Astrological Characteristics

Nakshatras, also known as lunar mansions or constellations, are an integral part of Vedic astrology, which is a traditional system of astrology that originated in ancient India. The term “Nakshatra” is derived from Sanskrit, where “Naksha” means map and “tara” means star. The Nakshatras are essentially a system of 27 or 28 lunar mansions that divide the ecliptic into 27 or 28 equal segments, each corresponding to the apparent path of the Moon across the celestial sphere.

Each Nakshatra is associated with a specific group of stars and has a ruling planet or deity. The Nakshatras play a crucial role in determining various aspects of an individual’s personality, behavior, and destiny according to Vedic astrology. They are used in conjunction with the positions of the planets to create a comprehensive astrological profile.

Want To Know About 28 Nakshatras & Their Effects !

Overview On Nakshatras

There are various systems or schemes of astrological Nakshatra. One is based on the 27 Nakshatra system, and the other is 28 Nakshatra. Before we dive deep, it’s important to understand the broad picture first.

One lunar cycle is 27 days plus 7 hours approximately. We can round it off from the lower portion of 27 Constellations to the upper portion of 28 Constellations. If we divide all the 12 zodiacs across 360 degrees measurement of the sky, further divided into 27 parts, we will get 13 degrees 20 minutes for each Nakshatra.

This is done assuming that the motion of the Moon is uniform across all the Nakshatras (lunar mansions) which takes one day for a complete revolution. In reality, it takes less time, but for the convenience of calculation, it is rounded off to 24 hours.

In Vedic Astrology, they have realised that the motion of the Moon is not uniform – it accelerates and decelerates in different Nakshatras or constellations. That is why Vedic Astrology is a far more intricate system. It is called Creation Nakshatra or Shrishti Nakshatra.

Here’s an example – according to the general astrological system, Ashwini Nakshatra ranges from 0 to 13 degrees 20 minutes in Aries, and so on for the following Nakshatras. But ‘Bramha’, in the Creation Nakshatra system, has assigned different lengths for each Nakshatra based on the actual speed of the Moon.

This doesn’t end here. Each Nakshatra has four ‘Padas’. The first pada is Agni (fire) tattva, the second is Prithvi (earth) tattva, the third is Vayu (air) tattva, and the fourth is Jal (water) tattva. From these four Padas, Nakshatra aims are derived, which are Dharma, Artha, Kaam, and Moksha. These four Padas are like four legs of the Bull, wherein Moon represents the Bull that visits each Nakshatra (cows).

During Satyuga, all four legs of the Bull were strong, which means all the elements were strong. In Dwaparyuga, three Tattwas were strong; in Tretayuga, two were strong, and currently, in Kalyuga, only one element is strong. This is why in Kalyuga, it is important to look at Pada Nakshatra to understand which pada is most intense. In other words, in Satyuga, the Moon had that kind of strength that when it travelled through a Nakshatra, it lit up all the four Padas of that Nakshatra.

Every Nakshatra pertaining to a pada is a map of a certain kind of destiny. So if your Moon is in Agni Rashi or Zodiac, that means Agni Rashis are strong in the chart. Moon represents the mind, and ultimately it is the mind that matters most; certain pada being strong, planets in that pada will perform best.

There are different reasons for starting the count for Nakshatras. The first one starts with Ashwini Nakshatra, the second one starts with Krittika Nakshatra, and the third one starts with Ardra Nakshatra. It is based on the Sun, Moon and Rahu since Sun is the boss of the whole zodiac and exalted in Aries, which is the sign of Ashwini Nakshatra.

Hence, this becomes the first in the Nakshatra count. Now, in the second perspective, the Moon is exalted in the second degree of Taurus, which is Krittika Nakshatra. Thus, this becomes the first to be counted under Moon placements. The third is Rahu which does not surrender to the Sun or Moon, and it is the lord of Ardra. So, Ardra becomes the first in the count. These are three schemes of Nakshatra – Ashwinadi, Krittikadi, and Ardradi.

All the Dashas allocation, such as Vimshottari Dasha, starts from Krittika since it is based on the Moon; and Moon is exalted in Krittika. Vimshottari Dasha is a 120 years long planetary cycle giving an overview of situations in a native’s life along with the influences of major and minor planets.

In the 27 Nakshatra system, there is a concept of ‘Navtara’ that means a set of nine stars. Hypothetically, it is categorised as nine stars on each side of a triangle representing creation, sustenance and destruction or Bhurloka, Bhuvaloka and Swahaloka – Bhurbhuva Swaha mantra is about this. These three Lokas or planes are three manifested worlds, not spiritual worlds.

For spiritual worlds, another system of Nakshatra comes into the picture, and that is the 28 Nakshatra scheme. This is represented by a hypothetical square containing seven sets of stairs on each side. Each side being Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka and Swargaloka. This square is called Jagannath or Chok. If someone understands Orissa dance, it is a very spiritual dance because it is based on Chok.

Every zodiac covers 2.25 Nakshatras. That means two Nakshatras and one-fourth of the following third Nakshatra. Hence, there are 9 Padas in every zodiac as one Nakshatra has four Padas. Nakshatras have Nakshatra lords or deities, who play an important role in specifying the planetary motivation for natives. They change the influences of planets to a certain level.

Nakshatra Basics

Numerous astrological Nakshatra systems or schemes exist. One uses the 27 Nakshatra system, while the other uses the 28 Nakshatra system. The big picture must be understood before we can delve deeper.

A lunar cycle lasts roughly 27 days plus 7 hours. From the lower part of Constellation 27 to the upper part of Constellation 28, we can round it off. Thirteen degrees and twenty minutes correspond to each Nakshatra when we divide the twelve zodiac signs into 27 segments and divide the 360 degree measurement of the sky in half.

There are 2.25 Nakshatras in each Zodiac. That translates to two Nakshatras and a quarter of the third Nakshatra that follows. Because each zodiac has nine Padas, a single Nakshatra has four. Nakshatra lords, also known as deities, are significant in determining the planetary motivation of natives in nakshatras. They modify the planetary influences to a certain extent.

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Ashwini Nakshatra :

The horse-headed twins with golden armour are the symbol of Ashwini nakshatra, the first sign in the zodiac belt. The horse is a Native American symbol of courage, strength, power, and dignity. They’ll also be capable of exercising good leadership. They’ll be quick, full of original ideas and imaginative pursuits. They also prioritise improving themselves. Before we go into the specifics of the Ashwini nakshatra natives’ lives in 2024, let’s take a look at their traits.

Ashwini Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
According to Ashwini nakshatra 2024 prediction, men born under this nakshatra will always be attractive and strive to keep up a nice appearance. He has a long nose and a wide forehead. He will always be grateful for other people’s good deeds and will lend them his whole support. However, the female Ashwini nakshathra locals draw attention from others with their kind and charming speech. Although she has an incredibly patient nature, she constantly wants what she sees.

List of all Auspicious Ashwini Nakshatra 2024...

Bharani Nakshatra :

The second nakshatra in Vedic astrology is Bharani, and it is located between 13′ and 40′. It falls within the sign of Aries. Lord Yama is the important lord of Bharani nakshatra. Lord Yama’s unique quality is his ability to perceive both good and bad deeds in people and then render justice. If he observes any negative karma, the person will also suffer consequences in life.

Bharani Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
It is unlikely that the native male born in Bharani nakshatra will be a likeable person. He is honest and has no desire to hurt anyone in this world. However, he won’t voice his ire or be concerned about inappropriate behaviour from others. This nakshatra’s female native is born with an extremely pure heart and will respect all elders, especially her parents.

List of all Auspicious Bharani Nakshatra 2024...

Krittika Nakshatra :

In Vedic astrology, Krittika is associated with the signs of Taurus and Aries. Krittika is a fire nakshatra, representing strength and vitality, with Agni as the governing deity. The translation of Krittika’s name is “a sharp object.” It has the potential to be both creative and destructive. Those who were born under this nakshatra have a raging and aggressive personality. The Sun, the natives’ ruling planet, represents purity at the highest degree and has a fiery nature.

Krittika Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
The Krittika nakshatra native man will have good brilliance, but he might lose patience and struggle to accomplish his goals. He switches between tasks quickly and doesn’t stick to one for too long. Women are emotionally complex and sensitive, but that doesn’t mean they will follow men’s lead mindlessly.

List of all Auspicious Krittika Nakshatra 2024...

Rohini Nakshatra :

Prajapati Brahma is in charge of the Rohini nakshatra, which is heavily influenced by the moon. In general, those born under the Rohini star are endowed with strength and warmth. Are you prepared to learn about the financial, romantic, professional, health, and other aspects of the Rohini Nakshatra 2024 prediction? Before delving into a thorough examination of the other factors, let us first discuss the traits of Rohini Nakshatra.

Rohini Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
The male residents of Rohini Star have extremely short fused tempers and should learn to control their wrath in order to become less obstinate. His interests and feelings are the only things he cares to know about other people. Everything he does is so self-serving. The native women, on the other hand, dress nicely and treat everyone with courtesy. Even though she might be having difficulty finding mental peace, nobody else seems to understand and she is perceived as a strong individual by others.

List of all Auspicious Rohini Nakshatra 2024...

Mrigashirsha Nakshatra :

Vedic astrology states that Mrigashirsha is a small group of stars in a special place. Another name for the stars is Lunar Mansions. Additionally, nakshatra is properly mentioned in the historical research. Mars, the planet of deer, is Mrigashirsha’s ruling planet. The deer is extremely sensitive and wary of its surroundings, and their behaviour towards the natives is no different. It stands for bravery, tenacity, and strength. The aboriginal people will also be spiritual warriors. Soma, the moon god of this nakshatra, represents eternal nectar.

Mrigashirsha Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
This nakshatra is characterised by a strong sense of suspicion towards everything. However, he will act honourably towards others and demand the same behaviour in return. However, he will not put up with it if he doesn’t get his wish. In reality, the native women work as social workers. They will also be industrious, egotistical, and clever.

List of all Auspicious Mrigashirsha Nakshatra 2024...

Ardra Nakshatra :

The Ardra nakshatra falls within the 6:40–20 Gemini sign. The teardrop symbol denotes moisture or wetness, and like the wetness, the people of Nakshatra are gentle souls who make great sacrifices for their loved ones. They are more likely to get sick, but their good nature will help them recover.

Ardra Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
Males born under the Ardra nakshatra have good knowledge, are intelligent, and have strong memories. He approaches his work with a great deal of compassion, and he handles everything with ease when things get tough. Even in trying times, the ladies of this nakshatra behave well towards others and remain calm. She is extravagant when it comes to money. The 2024 Ardra nakshatra prediction has more to say when examining one’s health, relationships, career, and finances.

List of all Auspicious Ardra Nakshatra 2024...

Punarvasu Nakshatra :

Are you a native of Punarvasu nakshatra and curious about your life in terms of relationships, career, finances, health, etc. in 2024? If so, you’re in the right place. The brightest star in the Gemini zodiac sign, along with Castor and Pollux, is Punarvasu nakshatra. Punarvasu nakshatra is where Lord Rama was born, and the star’s degrees range from 20 degrees Gemini to 3 degrees and 20′ in Cancer.

Punarvasu Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
Let us examine the male and female Punarvasu nakshatra natives. The native men will have grounded, god-fearing personalities. He behaves well when he is younger, but as he gets older, he becomes irascible and conceited. It would be quite challenging to interpret his behaviour. He will rarely be content with anything, but he has a strong desire for something. In contrast, female natives of this nakshatra are extremely calm, but they lose control of their anger when they become irritated. She occasionally has disagreements with her in-laws or cousins. If she receives good treatment from them, she tends to others.

List of all Auspicious Punarvasu Nakshatra 2024...

Pushya Nakshatra :

The eighth constellation in the zodiac belt is called Pushya. Pushya means “the nourisher” in Sanskrit. It perfectly captures the essence of the star. It increases the natives’ power. The udder of a cow, which symbolises nourishment, is the star. The natives will therefore be kind, nurturing, and supportive of others. Two giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn, also referred to as the planet of expansion and the planet of karma, respectively, rule the star.

Pushya Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
Due to his weakness, the male in Pushya nakshatra will not be able to make the best decisions at the right times. He is egotistical and unfit to be friends. It’s possible that the female in this nakshatra will never have mental peace in her lifetime. Despite her charming and serene demeanour, she does not show the expected respect for elders.

List of all Auspicious Pushya Nakshatra 2024...

Ashlesha Nakshatra :

The natives of Ashlesha Nakshatra are strong both mentally and physically because of the influence of Mercury and Cancer. These indigenous people are very intelligent and thoughtful, and they complete all tasks after carefully considering their potential outcomes. These natives of Nakshatra have strong academic credentials and are likely to achieve the desired levels of success. The Ashlesha Nakshatra 2024 prediction examines a variety of aspects of your life, including relationships, business, finance, and career.

Ashlesha Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
Natives of Ashlesha Nakshatra are nonconformists. You dislike following any rules that are posted in your house, workplace, etc. You now have the moniker “rule breaker.” Additionally, you might think outside the box to achieve your personal and professional goals in order to break the rules. You write and speak with such creativity. Mercury’s influence causes you to have difficulty with language. Your ideas may impress others with your communication skills. In general, you might experience digestive problems. However, you can fix this by managing your diet. Maintain a nutritious diet, and you might notice physical changes from your body. Furthermore, you have a possessive disposition.

List of all Auspicious Ashlesha Nakshatra 2024...

Magha Nakshatra :

According to Vedic astrology, the magha nakshatra is ruled by the planet Ketu. It represents star regulus. Magha nakshatra spans through the zodiacs Virgo and Leo constellations. Magha signifies huge or grand. It also means royal and gives good positions to the natives. It also gives domination, reputation, financial status and good social respect to the natives. These natives are the born leaders in their work culture. The individuals of these nakshathra believe in traditional values. It is ruled by pitris and not devatas. Let’s see more about Magha nakshatra in their different phases of life in 2024.

List of all Auspicious Magha Nakshatra 2024...

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra :

Purva Phalguni and Uttara Phalguni are two nakshatras that are referred to as twin nakshatras. These are governed by the two Adityas, Aryama and Bhaga. The name Purva Phalguni nakshatra, Bhagadavaita, also denotes prosperity and contentment. The locals always enjoy success at its peak, happiness, love, and joyful moments. The best nakshatra for creativity, advancement, etc. Let’s talk more about Purva Phalguni nakshatra with regard to their relationships, careers, finances, and health.

List of all Auspicious Purva Phalguni Nakshatra 2024...

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra :

According to Vedic Astrology, the Sun is ruled by the planets in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra. The nakshatra is arranged like the back legs of a cot or a bed. It represents a posh and comfortable existence. Bhaga is the Hindu deity associated with Uttara Phalguni nakshatra. The Phalguni Nakshatra star belongs to the female gender. Let’s examine the career, business, finance, and relationship aspects for Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in detail in 2024.

Uttara phalguni Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
The male native population born under the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in 2024 is said to be content all the time. The native men are fortunate, diligent workers who will excel in their field. He maintains good discipline in both his personal and professional lives. However, the nature of this nakshatra’s female natives is cheerful and carefree. All they are friendly to is everyone. And they have a big heart and will forgive someone who mistreats them.

List of all Auspicious Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 2024...

Hasta Nakshatra :

The moon is the ruling planet of the star known as Hasta nakshatra, which is located in the zodiac sign of Virgo. The Hasta nakshatra is characterised by pure thoughts, words, good deeds, and self control, among other things. This nakshatra’s populace is highly industrious and resourceful.

Hasta Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
According to the Hasta nakshatra 2024 prediction, men born under this nakshatra will have a cool, collected demeanour. His endearing smile draws in everyone, and these are his innate qualities that instil positivity in others. These people have a high status in society and are very difficult to ignore. These nakshatra’s female inhabitants are reserved by nature, but they can also be outspoken when necessary and fail to consider the consequences of their words. Let’s examine every facet of Hasta nakshatra’s life in 2024, including her career, finances, relationships, and health.

List of all Auspicious Hasta Nakshatra 2024...

Chitra Nakshatra :

Mars is the ruling planet of Chitra nakshatra, which means that people born under this nakshatra are constantly lively and active. They constantly plan for the future and work tirelessly to achieve it at all costs. They always expect to be in a good relationship and to make the world beautiful with their best hearts.

Chitra Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
Males born under the sign of Chitra Nakshatra are cool and generally prefer to be calm. However, that does not imply that he passes up a chance that presents itself. The men born under the sign of Chitra are extremely intelligent and seize every opportunity to live a happy and fulfilling life. The forecast for Chitra Nakshatra 2024 has more to say when it comes to career, finances, relationships, and health. Let’s examine the specifics in more detail.

List of all Auspicious Chitra Nakshatra 2024...

Swati Nakshatra :

The purest kind of purity is found in those who are born in the Swati nakshatra. They resemble the endearing scenery that appears with the first raindrop following a sweltering day. The Swazi people are exceptionally gifted and incisive, as implied by their name, which is associated with the fifteenth zodiac constellation, sword. Their ability to communicate and articulate their ideas is their strongest suit. Their shared ideas are unmatched and will make everyone they interact with seem charming.

Swati Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
Men born in the Swati nakshatra will deal with others in a calm and independent manner. He doesn’t want to be cheated by anyone and never cheats anyone. He puts a lot of effort into his work and is averse to criticism. This nakshatra’s females are well-respected in society and incredibly compassionate. She is deeply religious and enjoys practising her faith without reservation. The women of Swati Nakshatra are the most honest people you will ever meet. a person with a great heart who makes lots of friends throughout her life.

List of all Auspicious Swati Nakshatra 2024...

Vishakha Nakshatra :

Jupiter is the ruling planet of Vishakha Nakshatra, which is the sixteenth Nakshatra in the Zodiac belt. It is located between 20°00′ Libra and 03°20′ Scorpio. Another name for it is the Star of Purpose. The Nakshatra is also referred to as “the forked” or “two-expanded,” a metaphor for their propensity to transcend duality. The God of Fire, Indragni, is the dominant deity of the Nakshatra.

List of all Auspicious Vishakha Nakshatra 2024...

Anuradha Nakshatra :

The natives of Anuradha nakshatra are bestowed with harmony, balance, and honour due to a unique blessing of cosmic elements from above. Scorpio’s beauty is subject to the influence of Saturn, the lord of rings, who rules the star. Mitra is the Anuradha nakshatra’s ruling deity. The primary characteristic of this star is energy, and it is prepared to generate energy for diverse forms of communication.

Anuradha Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
Anuradha nakshatra’s masculine personality will be attractive with radiant eyes. When their patience is being tried, they might get ugly looks. He is capable of handling any challenging circumstances in an extremely methodical manner. On the other hand, this nakshatra’s female personalities appear innocent. Her stunning waist draws attention from others. Since she is pure-hearted, doesn’t believe in fashion, and prefers a simple life, she won’t be conceited in any case.

List of all Auspicious Anuradha Nakshatra 2024...

Jyeshta Nakshatra :

Indra is the ruling deity of Jyeshta Nakshatra, and the locals display the qualities of Indra by having good material wealth, accomplishment, and grandeur. General characteristics of Jyeshta nakshatra include thoughtfulness, conservatism, and the humanitarian as the main motivator. With Magha as the starting point for the second Nakshatra arrangement, Jyeshta has the entire circle.

Jyeshta Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
The Jyeshta nakshatra male population is extremely sober and pure-minded. He dislikes keeping things a secret at all. His positive traits draw attention to him. In contrast, this nakshatra’s female inhabitants are intensely romantic, jealous, and sensitive. She is incredibly perceptive, wise, and intuitive. She would like to know what other people think of her. She keeps everything in her office or home organised.

List of all Auspicious Jyeshta Nakshatra 2024...

Moola Nakshatra :

Vedic Astrology states that Moola nakshatra is a small constellation of all nakshatras. It is sometimes referred to as “moon mansions” in the west. Moola nakshatra is believed to mark the end of life and the start of a new cycle. Also called the foundational source of all things.

Moola Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
Males born under the moola nakshatra are generally very friendly and prefer to live in harmony. He adheres closely to a certain set of values. Native men are naturally strong and capable of overcoming any challenge that stands in their way. He obeys the commands of God and is a very good-fearing person.

List of all Auspicious Moola Nakshatra 2024...

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra :

The 20th star in the nakshatra group is Purva Shadha. Purva Ashadha’s four padas are all under the sign of Sagittarius. People are going to always be pretty daring. Venus is their ruling planet, which helps explain their enormous popularity. Venus’s influence bestows luck, love, and all things good upon the native. The natives are social climbers because they always prioritise and plan their schedules, know how to handle difficult situations.

List of all Auspicious Purva Ashadha Nakshatra 2024...

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra :

You seem to be going through some new changes this year. You might be a responsible and giving member of the family in addition to being a good friend. When you are aware of and comprehend your family’s issues, you can take action to address them and have a good chance of success. When your family sees this, your home’s atmosphere becomes more positive and your reputation among them rises.

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
In terms of marriage, you might need to set aside some time this year to spend quality time with your spouse. It might be necessary for you to help out around the house and dedicate more time to understanding and listening to your spouse. Practically speaking, spending quality time with your spouse and allowing them more time will eliminate any differences in your relationship. Additionally, your family may gain indirectly from this as well. This year brings a wealth of good fortunes for those in the romantic department. Another option is to arrange to tie the knot with your partner at the start of the year. Alternatively, you two could arrange to work together on a joint business venture. It seems that this collaboration would improve your relationships and help to clear up any miscommunications between you two.

List of all Auspicious Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra 2024...

Shravana Nakshatra :

Numerous names for Shravana Nakshatra exist, including Sravana, Shravan, and Thiruvonam. Of the 28 Nakshatras, this one is the 22nd. Shravana Nakshatra is ruled by Lord Vishnu and spans the Makara Rashi, or the sign of Capricorn in the zodiac. There are three stars in the Shravana Nakshatra. The Eagle’s head is composed of these three stars combined. The image is “The Ear,” through which we hear, and the word Shravana means “Hearing.” Shravana Nakshatra is the star sign for awareness and education. Now let’s discuss Shravana nakshatra in more detail with regard to career, finances, relationships, and health.

List of all Auspicious Shravana Nakshatra 2024...

Dhanishta Nakshatra :

Tranquility of mind and hence adaptability to any circumstance! Those under the Dhanishta nakshatra are mistake-free and musical. Mars’s blessings give them even more strength in all artistic endeavours. There aren’t many people who can stand in for these natural leaders. The eight Vasus, or element gods, are the ruling deities of Dhanishta, the twenty-third star in the zodiac belt.

Dhanishta Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
The Dhanishta nakshatra native man is a professional in his field. He is fairly intelligent, aware of his actions and words, and he never causes trouble for other people. He is a devout individual. This nakshatra’s female natives are highly driven and will have excellent financial management.

List of all Auspicious Dhanishta Nakshatra 2024...

Shatabhisha Nakshatra :

Lord of Rings is the ruling deity of Shatabhisha Nakshatra. For this nakshatra, the power of Saturn and the power of Lord Varuna stand for both material and spiritual well-being. Shatabhisha nakshatra is significantly influenced by Rahu, the lunar node. The veiling star is another name for this nakshatra. In addition to healing, it has a secretive vision and spiritual qualities.

List of all Auspicious Shatabhisha Nakshatra 2024...

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra :

The Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra is concurrently in Pisces and Aquarius. In the zodiac belt, it is the twenty-fifth nakshatra. Jupiter is the lord deity and represents a leadership behaviour; he will be sincere and have a very positive outlook in all of his dealings. The Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra native is normally a calm person, but they can also get upset on occasion.

List of all Auspicious Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra 2024...

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra :

The Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra spans the Pisces zodiac degrees of 3:20 to 16:40. These people are upbeat, excellent communicators, kind to children, and honest. The mythological serpent of the Depths of the atmosphere, Ahir Budhya, is the divinity associated with the Nakshatra Lord, Saturn.No matter what the circumstances, the people of this nakshatra maintain equal relationships with both high and low people. They are regarded as very good people in society itself because they are honoured with a kind heart. Find out more here!

List of all Auspicious Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 2024...

Revati Nakshatra :

The final nakshatra in the star system is Revati. Revati nakshatra is said to bring happiness, growth, and prosperity. Revati nakshatra is favourable for beginning a new business, getting married, getting pregnant, buying a new home, etc. The fish that represents the nakshatra symbolises learning and mobility. Revati nakshatra’s natives are extroverts who stick out from the crowd thanks to their outstanding leadership abilities. Let’s examine revati nakshatra in more detail as they go through various stages of life in 2024.

List of all Auspicious Revati Bhadrapada Nakshatra 2024...

Abhijit Nakshatra :

According to the Atharvana and Yajur Vedas, Abhijit Nakshatra is situated between Uttarashada and Sravana Nakshatras. The brightest star in the Lyra constellation, Vega star, is significant to this Nakshatra. According to mythology, Daksha Prajapati had one son, Abhijit, and twenty-seven daughters.Abhijit is the 28th Nakshatra, and these 27 daughters stand for 27 Nakshatras. “Abhijit” denotes a victor or the unbeaten one. It extends into the Capricorn sign. Mercury is this Nakshatra’s Lord, giving them intelligence, curiosity, good communication skills, a religious and spiritual bent, and wisdom. Golden yellow is a good colour.The twenty-eighth nakshatra is Abhijit Nakshatra.

Abhijit Nakshatra 2024 : Characteristics of Natives
Men from Abhijit have pleasant dispositions and charming personalities. Simply being there speaks volumes about them. They become proficient at everything they do, and as a result, they move with grace.Due to their accomplishments and values, they enjoy a high level of respect in society. They are industrious, gregarious, and methodical.They are like shining armour, and they are infused with discipline. Everywhere they go, they are the illuminators raising awareness.They are typically spiritual and religious.They could be interested in occult and other metaphysical pursuits. Their positions of authority are a blessing. They can be found at the top of any hierarchy, regardless of the profession.

List of all Auspicious Abhijit Nakshatra 2024...

Nakshatras Degrees, Ruling Planets & Deities

Nakshatras have specific degrees, ruling planets, and deities. They are also assigned with elements, symbolic animals and birds. There are a lot of things such as colour, gana, purpose, etc.

Below is a fragment of Nakshatra related information :



Ruling Planet



0 – 13.20 Aries


Ashwini Kumars


13.20 – 26.40 Aries




26.40 Aries – 10 Taurus




10 – 23.20 Taurus




23.20 Taurus – 6.40 Gemini


Soma / Chandra


6.40 – 20 Gemini




20 Gemini – 3.20 Cancer




3.20 – 16.40 Cancer




16.40 – 30 Cancer




0 – 13.20 Leo



Purva Phalguni

13.20 – 26.40 Leo



Uttara Phalguni

26.40 Leo – 10 Virgo




10 – 23.20 Virgo


Saviti / Surya


23.20 Virgo – 6.40 Libra




6.40 – 20 Libra




20 Libra – 3.20 Scorpio




3.20 – 16.40 Scorpio




16.40 – 30 Scorpio



Moola (Mula)

0 – 13.20 Sagittarius



Purva Ashadha

13.20 – 26.40 Sagittarius



Uttara Ashadha

26.40 Sagittarius – 10 Capricorn




10 – 23.20 Capricorn




23.20 Capricorn – 6.40 Aquarius


Eight Vasus


6.40 – 20 Aquarius



Purva Bhadrapada

20 Aquarius – 3.20 Pisces



Uttara Bhadrapada

3.20 – 16.40 Pisces


Ahir Budhyana


16.40 – 30 Pisces



Aims & Temperaments Of Nakshatras

Each Nakshatra has assigned four different aims of life, which the native has to fulfil. These are Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.

  • Dharma is about doing what we are needed or supposed to do in life situations. It’s about the fulfilment of daily chores or activities.
  • Artha motivates to create wealth and income for sustenance pertaining to the native and for the well-being of others.
  • The Kama is about following one’s desires towards fulfilment in various aspects of life.
  • Moksha is pure liberation. It’s about striving to liberate one’s soul.

In the table below, the aims and temperaments of Nakshatras are listed :


































Purva Phalguni



Uttara Phalguni





















Moola (Mula)



Purva Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha












Purva Bhadrapada



Uttara Bhadrapada






Symbolic Animals Of Nakshatras

As mentioned earlier, there are symbolic animals for every Nakshatra. These have been assigned based on Deities and overall nature. For example, Ashwini Nakshatra’s animal symbol is the horse. You will find that if someone has this Nakshatra, they have a very busy schedule, and they are mostly into finding solutions or healing and curing others. Because the deities are Ashwini Kumars, who were horse-headed and physicians to celestial beings. This is how every Nakshatra’s symbol has a certain significance.




Ashwini, Shatabhisha


Bharani, Revathi


Krittika, Pushya


Rohini, Mrigashirsha


Ardra, Mula


Punarvasu, Ashlesha


Magha, Purva Phalguni


Uttar phalguni, Uttara Bhadrapda


Hasta, Swati


Chitra, Vishakha


Anuradha, Jyeshta


Purva Ashadha, Shravana


Uttara Ashadha


Dhanistha, Purva Bhadrapada

This is not all but a fair overview of Nakshatras and their peculiarities. It is a very complicated but mathematically logical explanation for someone’s life path. The more we dive in, more we get to know the bare essential of the astrological chart.

Want to know more and understand about Nakshatras, consult our Astrologers on Astrogini.

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