Transits 2024

Planetary Transits 2024 : Detailed List of All Planet's Transits

Planetary Transits in 2024 hold an extraordinary spot in astrology, as they offer significant experiences into the vast powers that shape our lives. These heavenly occasions happen when planets in our planetary group travel through the twelve Zodiac Signs, carrying with them unmistakable energies and impacts. From an astrological outlook, planetary transits are likened to divine couriers, each bearing a novel message that can significantly influence a singular’s excursion on The planet.

Understanding how planetary transits work is critical to outfitting their impact. Envision the zodiac as a huge infinite stage, with every planet assuming the job of an entertainer. As these heavenly entertainers move starting with one sign then onto the next in 2024, they collaborate with the energies of that specific sign. This communication makes a powerful interaction of inestimable powers that transmit practical, influencing everything from our feelings and ways of behaving to our chances and difficulties.

For example, when Jupiter, the planet of expansion and development, transits through a sign, it can imply a time of overflow and opportunity in the everyday issues related with that sign. Then again, Saturn’s transit frequently brings illustrations and difficulties, inciting self-improvement and advancement. These planetary developments can go about as enormous triggers, provoking changes in our cognizance, connections, and life conditions.

What these transits mean for an individual relies upon their remarkable birth diagram, which goes about as a heavenly plan. By examining the transaction between the transiting planets and the natal planets in one’s birth chart, astrologers can give significant bits of knowledge into the particular everyday issues that will be generally impacted.

Know How Planetary Transits In 2024 Can Affect You !

Planetary Transits Overview

Vedic astrology recognizes nine planets, as far as we know. The Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, and Mercury. These planets circle the 12 signs of the zodiac round the year.

A transit occurs when a planet completes its path in one sign and moves into another. All seven of the visible planets — aside from Rahu and Ketu—move in a specific way. On the other hand, Ketu and Rahu travel in the opposite direction.

The natives of each sign are affected differently whenever a transit, or the movement of a planet from one sign to another, takes place.

Every planet’s position at the moment of a person’s birth is thought to be significant. Based on that, Vedic astrology interpretations are used to prepare a person’s Kundli. Depending on the planet’s positions, different natives have distinct Kundalis. And the reason for this is that planets keep on moving at their own speed. “Transits of planets” is the term used to describe these planetary movements. Astrologers can make more accurate life predictions thanks to this planetary shift.

The analysis of the effects of these planetary transits is thought to be possible with the help of Vedic astrology. Additionally, it can be used to counteract any negative effects these transits may have on life. A native’s life might even be shaken up by some of the cosmic changes. Transit outcomes are determined by the planet’s properties. Malefic planets can cause obstacles and disruptions in your life, while benefic planets could assist you in achieving your objectives. In addition, the natives’ life events are predicted by the positions of the planets in their signs and houses.

Planetary Transit 2024 And Their Duration

Planetary Transits in 2024 are critical minutes in astrology, as they enlighten the vast developments that will significantly impact our lives in the approaching year. These transits happen when planets venture through the twelve zodiac signs, each with its remarkable impact. According to an astrological viewpoint, these heavenly wanderings go about as divine narrators, murmuring stories of progress, development, and change. In 2024, different planets will move through the zodiac, with each transit going on for a particular span, going from days to months.

Planetary Transit 2024

Transit duration


30 Days


45 Days


21 Days


12.5 Months


26 Days


2.5 Years

Rahu and Ketu

19 Months


2.25 Days

These durations hold the way to grasp the timing of cosmic energies and their effect on our personal life.

How Do Planetary Transits Work In Vedic Astrology ?

Understanding how planetary transits work in Vedic astrology, particularly with regards to Planetary Transit in 2024, resembles translating the otherworldly language of the universe. Vedic astrology, otherwise called Jyotish, is an old framework that puts extraordinary importance on the developments of divine bodies, as they’re accepted to hold the insider facts of our fates.

In Vedic astrology, the planets are viewed as conscious creatures with their own extraordinary characteristics, and their transits through the zodiac signs are viewed as exact watches of life altering situations. These transits can keep going for varying durations, from days to months, and even years. During these periods, the planets communicate with the energies of the signs they go through, making a strong divine mix.

For instance, if Jupiter, the planet of growth and wisdom, transits through a particular sign, it could bring open doors for development, information, and overflow in the related everyday issues. In the mean time, Saturn’s transit frequently brings illustrations, discipline, and difficulties that eventually lead to self-awareness.

Vitally, Vedic astrologers evaluate these transits in relation to an individual’s birth chart, known as the Natal Chart. This chart goes about as a customized enormous guide, showing how the transiting planets line up with the places of planets at the time of one’s birth. The crossing points and points between these planets give significant bits of knowledge into the timing and nature of events in an individual’s life.

Astrologers use the interaction between these transits and the planets in your birth chart to forecast future events. Depending on their qualities, the effects can range from significant to negligible, but their astrological implications undoubtedly contribute to the shaping of your life.

Certain planets have short-term impacts on your life because they change signs quickly. In a similar vein, slow-moving planets will have lasting consequences. The inner planets—Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Sun, and the Moon—are referred to as moving quickly. The effects of their transits will be immediate. Conversely, the “outer planets”—Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu—move slowly.

2024 Astrological Transit (January 2024 to December 2024)

Astrological Event

From Date

To Date

Timeline Days

Venus & Mars Conjunction In Sagittarius

19 January 2024

05 February 2024

18 Days

Sun & Mars Conjunction In Capricorn

06 February 2024

13 February 2024

18 Days

Venus & Mars Conjunction In Capricorn

12 February 2024

06 March 2024

07 Days

Sun & Saturn Conjunction In Aquarius

14 February 2024

14 March 2024

24 Days

Sun & Rahu Conjunction In Pisces

15 March 2024

13 April 2024

30 Days

Mars & Venus Conjunction In Aquarius

16 March 2024

31 March 2024

30 Days

Mars & Saturn Conjunction In Aquarius

16 March 2024

22 April 2024

16 Days

Venus & Rahu Conjunction In Pisces

01 April 2024

24 April 2024

38 Days

Sun & Jupiter Conjunction In Aries

14 April 2024

01 May 2024

24 Days

Mars & Rahu Conjunction In Pisces

23 April 2024

01 June 2024

39 Days

Sun & Jupiter Conjunction In Taurus

15 May 2024

14 June 2024

30 Days

Mars & Jupiter Conjunction In Taurus

13 July 2024

26 August 2024

45 Days

Venus & Ketu Conjunction In Virgo

25 August 2024

18 September 2024

25 Days

Sun & Ketu Conjunction In Virgo

17 September 2024

17 October 2024

31 Days

Transit Of Planets In 2024

Astrological Sun Transit 2024

Sunlight is the essence, the self. The sun is a symbol of our identity and soul. We are all impacted, therefore, when the Sun changes signs. The Sun is generally seen as a benefic planet, bringing about positive changes. It spends 28 to 30 days in a single sign.

The Sun determines one’s self-worth, desires, health, and vitality. It can also help you live a life free of stress. Put simply, the Sun exists to assist us. whether it has to do with you, your well-being, your money, or even legal issues.

Astrological Moon Transit 2024

Out of all of them, the moon that is closest to us spends the least amount of time in one sign. The moon will travel through every sign in a month, spending 2.5 days in each sign.

According to Vedic astrology, the moon is the planet of the mind. The moon governs your emotions and psychology. Your creativity and empathy originate from the earth. Thus, a weak Moon can cause restlessness or paranoia.

When the moon is in the right place, it can also stimulate your creative side. Additionally, when the moon is in your favour, you are probably going to behave more kindly.

Astrological Mercury Transit 2024

Mercury is the planet of communication and knowledge. It can spend 14 to 30 days in a sign depending on its motion, meaning it can pass through all of the signs in a year.

Mercury is a mischievous planet in addition to being the planet of intelligence. It bestows upon you that naughty disposition and extrovert traits. However, Mercury will only make you talkative around those who make you feel at ease.

Your unique ideas and logic can help you stand out from the crowd, which is another benefit of the planet. However, the consequences are slightly different when it retrogrades.

Astrological Venus Transit 2024

Venus, who is typically thought of as a feminine planet, bestows upon you beauty and everything associated with celebrity. It is the planet of extravagance, prosperity, pleasure, romance, and love.

It is also in charge of our kids and relationships. These are the things that the locals will be most impacted by when Venus transits.

Venus spends 23 days to 2 months in a single sign. Fun fact: At any given time of year, Venus is never farther from the Sun than two signs! It also has a huge impact on our lives, much like the Sun.

Astrological Mars Transit 2024

The fiery red planet is related to ambition. If Venus was about femininity, Mars is about masculinity. Good leadership qualities are also related to the planet.

Depending on the motion, Mars stays in a sign for about 1.5 months and takes around 1.5 to 2 years to go through all the signs. Mars transit impacts the natives based on the house it occurs in for the particular signs.

Mars can also help you make quick decisions, be adventurous and take risks. The planet is also responsible for making you successful in your respective field.

Astrological Jupiter Transit 2024

Jupiter is the preacher and is referred to as the “Guru,” or teacher, among all the planets. You can count on Jupiter to always be on your side if you choose the right path.

Jupiter takes 12 years to travel through all 12 signs of the zodiac. It spends a year on each sign. What makes transit the best? It is not often known to have any bad effects.

The planet stands for wealth, knowledge, spirituality, and education. It can also assist you in appropriately organising your ideas for your speech.

Astrological Saturn Transit 2024

The planet with the slowest velocity among all is Saturn. For nearly two and a half years, it remains in one sign. Thus, it will take about 29.5 years to complete the Zodiac Signs.

Now that the planet is moving so slowly, the effects last longer. High-intensity influences are also brought by Saturn. Saturn, also referred to as the planet of “Karma,” determines how you live your life. Saturn is similar to a strict teacher in that it can be intimidating, but it also provides you with the strength to act morally and responsibly, as well as the ability to make responsible decisions.

On the other hand, the planet can occasionally bring mishaps, abrupt changes, and difficulties. Saturn is regarded as a malefic planet, but transits through it don’t always have bad outcomes.

Astrological Rahu Transit 2024

In Vedic astrology, Rahu is a nodal planet. Unlike other planets, it is not physically formed; instead, it is identified by the intersection of the paths of the Sun and Moon. It is also referred to as a shadow planet as a result.

Rahu has a reputation for giving false hope and visions to people. It is connected to all of the speculative endeavours as well. Rahu, in summary, has the ability to distract you from the material world.

However, it is also incharge of inventions and revolutions. It causes you to consider things a little differently than other people. Rahu moves in a distinct direction in relation to the other planets.

Astrological Ketu Transit 2024

The other location where the paths of the Sun and Moon converge is at Ketu, the Moon’s south node. Ketu is the tail of the dragon, and Rahu is its head. Ketu can bring both positive and negative times, depending on the transit.

The planet is also recognised for causing ups and downs in a person’s mental and emotional well-being. Ketu can turn you into a narcissist by bestowing material wealth upon you. It can occasionally deceive you, just like Rahu.

Due to their slow velocities, Rahu and Ketu each spend 1.5 years in a sign. Ketu can assist you with unconventional thinking, much like Rahu.

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