Rahu Mantra

Rahu Mantra : Meaning, Significance And Benefits

Planet Rahu is quite possibly one of the most feared planet in astrology, yet it has its very own huge spot. However typically called out for conveying awful outcomes to the local, yet in its ideal or benefic structure, Rahu can bring an overflow of extravagances, abundance and accomplishment to the local. In astrology, Rahu is known as the shadow planet, and that implies it doesn’t have an actual structure like each and every planet in astrology. However, regardless of being in a standoff structure, the malefic impacts of Rahu are generally feared. Anyway to battle these malefic impacts of Rahu in the horoscope, Rahu mantras prove to be useful.

According to astrologers, the solid or weak presence of Rahu in the kundli of the local is the aftereffect of their past karma, particularly the karma of the past birth. Implies, in the event that you had carried out beneficial things in your previous life, Rahu is probably going to be put in some help of you. Likewise, a positive Rahu rewards you for your past great deeds in the current birth. Then again, awful comes to those conveying the heap of terrible karma from their past birth.

At the point when Rahu is malefic in your horoscope and it conjuncts with different planets in kundli, it makes various kinds of servitudes (issues). For instance, Venus is viewed as the planet of affection. Thus, regardless, in the event that Venus is being impacted by a malefic Rahu, it can get hiccups or issues your affection life. What’s more, once in a while, these hiccups can prompt circumstances like disloyalty, separations, and so forth, in marriage or love. In this way it is critical to continuously keep the unsafe impacts of Rahu in the local’s kundli to an absolute minimum. As indicated by the Hindu conviction, Rahu can not segregate among great and insidiousness, thus it neutralizes the guidelines of nobility (Dharma). Thus all are equivalent for the planet.

Rahu Mantra

राहु मंत्र

Astrogini Astrology Services - Planet Rahu Mantra

Rahu With Other Planets

Rivalry, sicknesses and obligation are the central characteristics of Rahu. However, on the positive side, those affected by Rahu are supposed to be assured, courageous and bold. The positive characteristics of Rahu are one of the most wanted, and having a strong Rahu in the Kundli can assist you with these characteristics. Reinforcing of Rahu in kundli should be possible by reciting the Rahu Mantras consistently.

As Rahu has no sign of its own, the planet influences the Ruler of each house in the locals’ kundli. Rahu shows great outcomes in the event that the Ruler it is involved with is a companion to Rahu and adverse outcomes on the off chance that the Master of the house or planet it is related to is a foe to Rahu. According to the study of Astrology, Rahu gets more grounded in the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses.

In kundli, when Rahu meets up with Venus, it winds up making the locals greedy. This might lead him to pursue wrong choices throughout everyday life. Rahu when lines up with Jupiter, it forms Guru Chandal Yoga. A blend of Rahu and Mars prompts the local to pursue wrong choices. She/He might wind up restraining vices like smoking, drinking, and so on.

Then again, if Rahu is set with an auspicious Mercury, it can prompt business development for the local. But if Rahu meets up with Mercury in an inauspicious position, it tends to be unfortunate for the locals.

Rahu is additionally said to bring terrible outcomes whenever set in the 6th, 8th or 12th house or on the other hand if related to the rulers of these houses. Rahu likewise represents information, nonetheless, within the sight of malefic planets this property can have a converse effect and it can make the local intellectually feeble.

Similarly, there are a lot more blends in Kundli that can bring about Rahu dosh in Kundli. A malefic Rahu is never really great for locals as it gets obstruction in career, love life and many more. In any case, the unsafe impacts of Rahu can be handled by presenting the Rahu mantras.

Important Rahu Mantras In Kundli

From all the nine planets, Rahu is supposed to be a rebel planet. The planet connotes ethically off-base things like lying, stealing, betting, and so on. Yet, when in a benefic state, Rahu has the influence to satisfy different material necessities of the local close by presenting to him a ton of distinction and fortune. So do we draw out the positive side Rahu? Indeed, chant these Rahu mantras.

1. Rahu Beej Mantra

If the local has committed any significant sin in his valuable life because of which he is managing the rage of Rahu in the current birth, in such cases, chanting the Rahu Beej Mantra can assist with facilitating the issues of the local. Likewise, Rahu Mantra is recommended to somebody finding it challenging to get hitched. Such countless individuals likewise fear the impact of dark magic on them. For good, Rahu Beej Mantra helps in warding off the destructive impacts of dark enchantment on the individual, if any. Reciting Rahu Beej Mantra consistently can open your Psychic Chakra and furthermore shield you from psychic attacks.

Here is the Rahu Beej Mantra :

|| ॐ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं सः राहवे नमः ||

|| Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhraum Saanha Raahve Namah ||

Benefits Of Chanting Rahu Beej Mantra :

  • The most known advantage of the Rahu Mantra is that it assists the local to fight against any sort of evil soul or negative energy around the person.
  • Rahu connotes your Karma. Thus if you have carried out any terrible things in the past, reciting the Rahu Beej Mantra with pure dedication can assist you with deleting the previous awful karma.
  • Rahu gives materialistic benefits to the local. Thus if you recite this mantra consistently, you will have in you the ability to accomplish anything throughout everyday life.
  • Reciting the Rahu Beej Mantra makes your aura more strong, as it interfaces you to the energy in the Universe.
  • If you want to battle your foes with keenness, reciting the Rahu Beej Mantra will be extremely helpful for you.

Best Time To Recite The Rahu Beej Mantra

After Sunset

Number Of Times To Chant This Mantra


Who Can Recite The Rahu Beej Mantra ?


Chant This Mantra Facing

South West

2. Rahu Shanti Mantra

Nobody needs strain or inconveniences in his day to day existence. However, as a rebel planet, Rahu, often bring troubles in the life of the local. In such circumstances, it is important to calm down the planet. And, for the same motive is the Rahu Shanti Mantra. Astrologers guarantee that whosoever recite the Rahu Shanti Mantra, simply two times a day can find the impact of Shani losing upon him.

Here is the Rahu Shanti Mantra :

|| Om Rahuve Devaye Shaantim, Rahuve Kripaaye Karoti;
Rahuaye chamaaye abhilaashat, Om Rahuve Namoh Namah ||

Meaning – O Lord Rahu, I bow down to you and pray that you forgive my sins and honour me with your kind blessings.

Benefits Of Chanting Rahu Shanti Mantra :

  • Rahu’s maverick impact is awful and can remain with the local for a really long time. This can prompt various troubles throughout everyday life. Rahu Shanti Mantra helps in calming the maverick or malefic impact of Rahu.
  • While reciting the Rahu Shanti Mantra, ensure that you are not greedy when you ask anything from Rahu. Rahu, however, signifies realism yet hates greed.
  • Chanting the Rahu Shanti Mantra will eliminate all the obstructions from your way to progress and wipe out the apprehension about disasters.
  • Reciting the mantra keeps the local safe and allows you to partake in a cheerful life.

Best Time To Recite The Rahu Shanti Mantra

After Sunset

Number Of Times To Chant This Mantra

2 Times A Day

Who Can Recite The Rahu Shanti Mantra ?


Chant This Mantra Facing

South West

3. Rahu Gayatri Mantra

In astrology, there is a Gayatri Mantra for every planet and God. Gayatri Mantras in astrology should calm down the adverse consequences of the planets. Reciting the Rahu Gayatri Mantra helps the local in giving blessings from the public authority, triumph over adversaries, and decrease in sicknesses brought about by Rahu. This Rahu Gayatri Mantra is likewise one of the medicinal mantras assuming the local is dealing with Kala Sarpa Dosha.

Here is the Rahu Gayatri Mantra :

|| ॐ नागध्वजाय विद्महे पद्महस्ताय धीमहि तन्नो राहुः प्रचोदयात् ||

|| Om Nagadhwajaya Vidmahe Padmahastaya Dheemahi Tanno Rahuh Prachodayat ||

Meaning – Om, Let me meditate on him who has a snake in his flag, Oh, He who has a lotus in his hand, give me higher intellect and let Rahu illuminate my mind.

Benefits Of Chanting Rahu Gayatri Mantra :

  • According to astrologers, reciting the Rahu Gayatri mantra brings various advantages; with the first being that it eliminates every one of the malefic impacts of planet Rahu in the horoscope.
  • The Rahu Gayatri mantra assists the local with acquiring unexpected opportunities in love, career and more.
  • If you have any sort of sickness from a long time, reciting the Rahu Gayatri Mantra helps in mending its hurtful impacts.
  • Reciting the Rahu Gayatri Mantra consistently can furnish you with unexpected wealth and achievement.
  • Rahu Gayatri Mantra is the karma factor behind instant achievement.

Best Time To Recite The Rahu Gayatri Mantra

After Sunset

Number Of Times To Chant This Mantra


Who Can Recite The Rahu Gayatri Mantra ?


Chant This Mantra Facing

South West

4. Puranic Rahu Mantra

At the point when the planet Rahu is adversely positioned in the horoscope of an individual, it can get Rahu Dasha and Antardasha in the life of the local. These doshas leads to slow down the development, love life issues, falls in abundance collection, and so on. If the place of Rahu in the horoscope is negative, you can calm down Rahu with the Puranic Rahu mantra.

Here is the Puranic Rahu Mantra :

|| ॐ अर्धकायं महावीर्य चन्द्रादित्यविमर्दनम, सिंहिकागर्भसंभूतं तं राहुं प्रणमाम्यहम ||

|| Ardakayam Mahaviryam Chandraditya Vimardanam Singhika Garba Sambootam Tam Rahum Pranamamyaham ||

Meaning – The native says that he is paying his respect to Rahu who has half body and great powers. He is the one who has conquered the Sun and moon and is born out of lioness.

Benefits Of Chanting The Puranic Rahu Mantra :

  • If the place of Rahu in the kundli of the local is negative, then, at that point, he might need to bear the adverse consequences of Rahu. Reciting the above Rahu Mantra helps in battling the awful impacts of Rahu.
  • The Puranic Mantra averts any sort of evil spirits from the life of the local.
  • An individual gets relief from ordinary body pain if he recites the Puranic Rahu mantra.
  • Reciting the Rahu mantra blends solid opportunities for the local to become effective in his profession.

Best Time To Recite The Rahu Puranic Mantra

After Sunset

Number Of Times To Chant This Mantra


Who Can Recite The Rahu Puranic Mantra ?


Chant This Mantra Facing

South West

How To Chant Rahu Mantra

  • If you plan to start with Rahu Mantras, make sure to start reciting the Rahu Mantra around evening time or after dusk. For the best advice consult with an expert Astrologers.
  • First refresh you mind on a Saturday night, and get yourself a Kali or Gayatri Yantra to keep it before you.
  • Assuming that you are intending to recite the Gayatri Mantra for Rahu, you might begin around early afternoon.
  • The Rahu Mantras are typically recited 108 times, however some mantras, can be less than 108 times.
  • For the best outcomes, recite the Rahu Mantra for 18,000 times within a period of 40 days.
  • During the prayers, offer blue blossoms and sandalwood to Kali or Gayatri yantra.

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